14 Freelance Writing Gigs

This is what quality looks like!

Welcome, Freelance Writers.

No matter the type and number of gigs, I’m always excited to share the Freelance Framework newsletter.

That’s even more so the case today.

The quality of the following opportunities is extra exciting. Check out the gigs and apply now (not later). Good luck 🤞

The Gigs.

✅ John Bonini is seeking a few good B2B freelance writers for an agency client project

✅ Going is accepting pitches for its weekly Wednesday Going Places newsletter

Pipeline Artists, a digital magazine on education and empowerment, is looking for writers to write articles, poems and short stories

Collier.Simon, a creative agency, is hiring freelance copywriters

Eden Stanley is hiring freelance writers

Pango Group is looking for a content writer specializing in governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) topics

Embarcadero Media, an award-winning, independent media company, is looking for freelance writers with excellent reporting skills

Hebrew at the Center is hiring an op-ed writer

Contently is looking for freelance writers who specialize in dental and oral health topics

Mike Camunas is looking for freelance writers in the Tampa, Florida area

Pets of Paradise is seeking freelance content writers for canine and feline topics

Elucidata, a tech-bio company, is seeking freelance writers

= top opportunity

That’s a Wrap.

What do you think about these gigs? Do you agree that the quality is top-notch? Which ones pique your interest?

Choose your favorites, create your best pitch (based on the application requirements), and get to it. The sooner you take action the better your chance of success.

If you have anything to share, reach out to me by sending a LinkedIn message or replying to this email.