13 Freelance Writing Gigs

Featuring Business Insider, HealthToday, and more

Welcome, Freelance Writers.

After a small list yesterday, we’re beginning to climb — and I gotta say, I’m super excited about the opportunities below.

Take a look for yourself. ⬇️

The Gigs.

✅ Business Insider is seeking freelance lifestyle pitches

Country Roads is hiring food/culture freelance writers for upcoming projects

Million Dollar Inbox is hiring an email writer

Gallagher is hiring a freelance copywriter with a background in healthcare

Mergermarket, an online global news and analysis service, is looking for freelance financial journalists

DAME Magazine is accepting pitches

Patrick Reinhart is hiring freelance copywriters for consistent work

Molly Feely is looking for three freelance marketing writers who can work in English + one of the following languages: German 🇩🇪 Polish 🇵🇱 or Greek 🇬🇷

Prem Bhardwaj is looking for freelance content writers who can write on the exhibition niche

= top opportunity

That’s a Wrap.

We want more, we want more!

I’ve received quite a few messages over the past couple of weeks asking for “more gigs” and “more opportunities.”

As of now, every edition of the newsletter includes the gigs I’ve found that were posted over the past 24ish hours. But there are a few more things I can offer…

So, a quick favor to ask:

What would you like to see in a premium version ($5-$10/month) of the Freelance Framework newsletter?

Reply with your thoughts if you have a minute.

If you have anything else to share, reach out to me by sending a LinkedIn message or replying to this email.