17 Freelance Writing Gigs

Welcome, Freelance Writers.

Happy Friday, freelance writing friends!

Yesterday, a “scam” job posting slipped through the cracks and made its way onto the gig list. With so many people trying to take advantage of freelancers, remember to always conduct due diligence. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. If something seems “off,” it’s best to move on.

Now, for what you’ve been waiting for…

The Gigs.

✅ Kelly Roe is looking to add content creators to her freelance bench (trust me, this is a good one)

Rebecca Huxley is adding to her referral network of freelance writers

✅ LT, editor-in-chief at Jezebel, is accepting pitches for “a little bit of everything”

Fields & Stations is seeking pitches on high-end ‘barefoot’ luxury resorts

Wine Enthusiast is seeking freelance writers for wine, fine food, and travel (starting at $.50/word)

Adam Wells is looking for UK and Ireland-based freelance writers specializing in art, galleries, and exhibitions

The Media Image is seeking freelance casino and poker writers for an industry leading client

Rise25 is hiring a content writer to create podcast show notes

Busy Pixel Media is hiring a computing writer

✅ Authority Hacker is hiring a content writer

= top opportunity

That’s a Wrap.

Thanks to all the subscribers (50+) who emailed me this week. Your feedback allows me to provide a better product. So, don’t be shy about reaching out.

If you have anything to share, reach out to me by sending a LinkedIn message or replying to this email.