23 Freelance Writing Gigs

Welcome, Freelance Writers.

Based on recent history, I wasn’t expecting to have many prospect calls this week. The last two weeks of December are always slow. However, I had one yesterday, one scheduled for today, and two on Friday. I’ll take that all year long 😁

Here’s the good stuff! ⤵️

The Gigs.

Alexandra Anderson is seeking a marketing copywriter for one of her clients

✅ Valentina Monte is hiring a social media lead at Apple (Apple TV+ Series)

Reina Pomeroy is hiring for marketing roles at Good Inside

Sheeba Kaul is hiring a freelance writer for a one-time website project

Spencer Douglas is hiring blog content writers

David Madhan is hiring freelance content writers for software product companies

Bernhard Neumann is hiring a freelance copywriter for ongoing projects

The Skillful Cook is hiring freelance writers in the food niche

Creative Loafing is seeking pitches for “the next great story”

✅ Hire Digital is hiring a finance content writer

✅ MyWorks is hiring a content writer

Socialfly is hiring a copywriter to join its creative team at Entreprenista

✅ Healthline Media is hiring freelance writers for Healthline, Medical News Today, PsychCentral, and Greatist

Kinolime is hiring a content writer in the film industry

= top opportunity

That’s a Wrap.

I’m super excited about this list of gigs. Not only is 23 a good number for this time of the year, but the quality is high across the board.

If you have anything to share, reach out to me by sending a LinkedIn message or replying to this email.